January 28, 2012

The pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn't it? I don't know why but I understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts

January 24, 2012

Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident, as everything happens for a reason

January 23, 2012

So... When are you coming back..?


The people who dislike this anime have no true experience of pain, "Oh, ninja's don't wear orange jumpsuits" or "It's so boring! It's not even interesting!" this anime changed my veiw of people and the entire world. This anime is not stupid and if you think so you must be an idiot. Only those who have suffered lonliness and any kind of pain can understand this anime and cry. Man or woman. Masashi Kishimoto changed my life and made it better. And I bet he did that to many others too. Arigato.

At first they despise you, then they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they recognize you and then they accept you. A story of keeping the belief alive.


January 22, 2012

Move on

Don't just think about the ones you've lost, you can't get back what you've lost. 
What is it that you still have?


January 19, 2012

لا تحزن، إن الله معنا*


January 15, 2012

Saa yukou

Every time I look up to the sky after the rain I think back to when I was still a crybaby, desperately chasing after someone's back, thinking 'I want to become stronger'. Now my "Thank you' has disappeard into the wind. Can I become any stronger? I can't find my answer so I'll keep on moving forward. Come on let's go we'll never give in, we won't lose to the waves of time, we'll keep getting up again and again because we don't want to lose what's important to us. I can hear the voice inside my head always, always pushing me ahead even when the mischievous rain gets in my way, I won't try to run away. Let's head toward the future we believe in

January 11, 2012

I don't wanna know

That she touch you better than me, did you show her all the things you use to do to me. Dear what I have to say is go and do your thing and don't come back to me. Whats done is done
You hate me she hate me he hate me they hate me, why? Cause I've probably been the selfish?!

January 5, 2012

Hello 2012