December 17, 2010

Behind my smile is everything you'll never understand.

I dont know what I want right now, all I know is that I'm hurting so much inside that its eating me and one day there wont be any more of me left. Eveythng that ever cause a tear to trickle down my cheeks, I run away and hide from it but now evrythng is unwinding and finding its way back towards me, and I dont know what to do, I just know that the pain I felt so long ago, its hurting.. I'm not saying I have nothing I'm not saying I'm gone completely its just sometimes its all a bit too much to handle. Sometimes I feel like it's too much. I'm not going to do anything stupid because I know it will get better, it has to right? Otherwise there wouldn't be anyone who would live past their teenage years. But for now, just for now, it hurts